Hi friends! After contemplating this for quite a while, I've decided to move my blog to Wordpress simply because it gives me the ability to do some things with my blog that I can't do here at Blogger. It's a little scary because the blogging community at Wordpress isn't as strong as the community here - so I'm really hoping you'll continue to follow me through Wordpress. :)
While I'm changing things, I've considered the possibility of a complete fresh start by changing the name of my blog too. I'm a cozy, mountain-lovin' girl, so The Warming House fits me . . . but I've passed by this road periodically in my travels and the name always makes me smile. So I've thought about incorporating that name into my blog title. Since I can't decide which one I like, I'm asking for your help. Cast your vote in the sidebar to determine the name of my blog. Of course, I'm open to your suggestions too. Thanks for the feedback!
Oh yeah . . . poll closes May 2nd at 8:00 a.m. central time (U.S.).